A child is like a butterfly in the wind
Some can fly higher than others;
But each one flies the best it can
Why compare one against the other
Each one is special – Each one is beautiful


Life is a journey and it is all about learning….. From the first tread into kindergarten at Sanjos Central School till grade 10 is indeed a preparation for a child to combat the challenges the gigantic real world would pose. We try to mould the character and mental attitude of our children, instil basic principles of life in them and nurture their individual capabilities to the fullest.

Keeping in mind that to teach is to touch a life forever, we believe in holistic education that encompasses academics, co-curricular activities, sports education and life-skills learning. Activities and events related to value education, environment, health education, games and sports, visual and performing arts, culture and heritage, personality development are effectively woven into the main fabric of school curriculum.

The world today is changing at such an accelerated pace and we as educators need to pause and reflect on this entire system of Education. “ To Motivate the Late Bloomers, To Mold the Mediocre and To Challenge the Gifted” is our teaching motto. Providing good quality modern and digitalized education including a strong component of cultural values, environment awareness and physical education to children in rural areas irrespective of their family’s socio-economic condition is the prime objective of our school.  A committed and supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative parents bend harmoniously to create this school as a child- centric school.

Sanjos Central School looks forward to a long association with you. Join us in grooming young minds in order to enable them to choose a successful path through life.

Thank you.

Sr. Preethi Therese D M.